We Supply Screened Topsoil In Hampshire

Hampshire Turf Supplies deliver budget and premium topsoil to clients throughout the county. Our client base ranges from residential clients to building sites from Basingstoke and Winchester to Eastleigh and Southampton. We have a range of soil grades at price points to suit every budget including ‘As Dug’, Screened and BS3 Certified.

Screened Topsoil

Topsoil quality can vary among distributors. At the very least, you should ensure your soil is screened. Screened topsoil is by definition easy to disperse and free of rocks, clay and other obstructions. Soil screened to a grade of 3mm – 10mm is suited to a diverse range of gardening projects including raised flower beds and turf.

BS3882 Certified Topsoil

BS3 topsoil is a certifification awarded by the British Standards Institute. The standard was established in 1997 for specific and multipurpose use. Certified soil needs to be fertile and free from contaminants. Our team specialize in the multipurpose grade suitable for general landscaping.

Hampshire Turf Supplies supply soil via a tipper and in bulk bags. We utilise soil in our landscaping contracts and deliver across the county including Winchester, Andover, Basingstoke, Overton, Alton, Eastleigh, Hedge End and Southampton. Our minimum order is 850kg. Contact us with your inquiry today.

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